Thursday, May 21, 2009

Net Force

\mathbf F_{\text{net}} = {\mathrm{d}(m \mathbf v) \over \mathrm{d}t} = m \ \frac{d \mathbf v}{dt}
My mind is going to fast for me to explain everything that I've written... Above is Newton's 2nd Law: talking about how the motion and the motive force behind the motion..... if a force generates a motion, a double force will generate a double motion and so on.... this also still is true whether that force be impressed is altogether and at once or gradually (this motion being directed the same way with the generating force). 

That being said..... I was over thinking the laws of human nature and human attraction and what forces are behind it so where what did I decide to over read? Laws of attraction and motion and I really enjoyed it and I really enjoy physics. 

So I am much as I learn and as much and I observe, the less I know. I know absolutely nothing! Accepting that to be true has brought me so joy in knowing, I get to learn forever and always be surprised! How great is that? I think it is great.... which is why this is my blog and my opinion and why I'm writing about it.

OK so I totally have a crush, No one knows (or at least I hope not... I'm bad at hiding things) or will know bc it is not logical, he isn't my type and I don't want to date him.... but some force beyond me makes me want to just pounce him. Yeah I said it.....  Oh well..... I have more thoughts on this but I'm not going to share them unless asked.

I have certain things I am attracted to ... I know I am.... one being romantic nerds like me..... I love and adore this
"He is the half part of a blessed man, left to be finished by such as she. And she a fair divided excellence, whose fullness of perfection lies in him." 

William Shakespeare

I also love adore my best friend who is getting engaged this weekend. It has been really hard on me.... never knew loosing him would be this hard.

Another thing is I've been reading about Karma... and other peoples perspectives... so different religions and what not... I thought this angry person was funny and what he said I can't repeat but I can repeat one part.... which is


Well I'm not going to try and sleep longer than 3 hrs.... I shouldn't be up..... Love to all of you and especially England. I miss my friends there and their "wicked" way of speaking.... I want to go back. The End

1 comment:

Kelly said...

F=mA is a classic equation. Sooo useful. Read about Einstein's General Theory of Relativity for something mind-blowing. It shows that mass and time can be bent, slowed, expanded to infinity, and shrunk to nothing.

You might also want to study the wave-like and particle-like properties of photons. From this come some very crazy thoughts. Summary: Mass has wave-like and particle-like properties. Waves can diffuse out to infinity when passed through a diaphragm. This means that we are everywhere. Our waves expand forever, but we're physically where we are because the amplitude of our waves are concentrated where we are perceived to be. If one could shift their collective amplitude, one could instantaneously "travel" anywhere.

Perhaps even something like the following could be explained:

"I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me."

I don't know about you, but I've never seen a pillar of light descend GRADUALLY ANYWHERE. Think about it! Deep.